
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuakana Teina!

Tuakana Teina, is about helping little ones in their classroom and it is about helping their teacher too. Last week I went to Room 2 to help the little kids on the computers. It was like I was a teacher, because I was helping my Student learn about how to draw a realistic picture. Her name was Roimata, she is a Fantastic drawer.
Today after lunchtime our class Room 20 is going to Rooms: 1,2, and 3...

Its going to be so much fun!


  1. Beautiful, you are a wonderful Tuakana Shaniah. Roimata was lucky to have you assisting her in her learning.
    Thank you
    Mrs Nua

  2. Roimata is very lucky to have you giving her personal help with her computer skills. Imagine what she will be like after you have given her such a good start. Well done. Mrs Burt
